CRIME REPORTS: 9/15/2022 | Walterboro Live

2022-09-16 23:58:54 By : Mr. Blank Cai

Green Pond woman victim of a drive-by shooting

A Green Pond house was sprayed with bullets last week during a drive-by shooting.

On Sept. 7th, law enforcement officers with the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office were called to a house on Gobbler Circle, in Green Pond. The female homeowner told officers that she was inside her house when she heard “rapid gunfire” outside. She opened her door, and saw a dark-colored SUV driving off from across the street, according to information in a Colleton County Sheriff’s Office report. The unidentified driver of that vehicle fired a gun at the woman’s house and car. The woman’s vehicle was struck multiple times and at least one bullet hole was also found in the woman’s house.

The victim’s mother lives next door: her house was also struck multiple times with gunfire, the report states. Deputies found several fired cartridge casings scattered in the roadway, near the victim’s house. Those casings have been taken into evidence.

This case is under investigation.

In other Colleton County crime news:

Speeder curses at deputies during arrest

A deputy driving on Interstate 95 last week caught a driver who was speeding in excess of 100 mph. According to a Colleton County Sheriff’s Office incident report, the deputy clocked the driver at 105 mph. This occurred near the 57-mile marker of I-95, near Walterboro. When the deputy attempted to stop the driver, the driver exited the interstate and then continued to drive through the Wal-Mart parking lot, without stopping for the officer. The driver continued to drive onto Upchurch Lane until the man ultimately stopped at a local business. At that point, the driver stopped the car, got out of the vehicle, threw his hands in the air, and cursed at the deputy, saying, “I’m trying to go to work. Why are you (expletive) with me!” The man continued to yell and curse at the deputy, as the deputy patted the man down for weapons. Since the man was being so “verbally abuse,” the deputy called for backup, the report states. A second officer arrived, and the man was charged with failure to stop for blue lights and speeding in excess of 26 mph over the speed limit. The suspect continued to be loud with the officers, even as he was booked at the Colleton County Detention Center, the report states.

Burglar caught on trail cam

A possible burglar/trespasser was caught on a trail cam. According to a Colleton County Sheriff’s Office incident report, deputies were called to Rhode Drive, near Cottageville, to a report of trespassing on a hunting club. While in route to the call, the victim sent pictures of the suspect to officers: the photos came from the man’s hunting trail camera, the report stated. While walking in the woods and looking for the suspect, deputies said they heard a gunshot shot and then received a second call for service, related to a burglary call. This case is under investigation.

A Walterboro woman is charged with trespassing after she parked her car near her ex-husband’s driveway and blocked traffic. According to a Colleton County Sheriff’s Office incident report, deputies were called to the Walterboro residence because the suspect’s car was parked in the victim’s driveway, about 10 feet from the main road. When a deputy approached the suspect’s car, the female suspect was found lying down in the back seat. Meanwhile, the victim and his wife were standing in the doorway of their house. Initially, the suspect refused to get out of her car. She repeatedly said she was not blocking their driveway. The deputy charged the suspect with Trespass After Notice and took the suspect to the Colleton County Detention Center, the report states.

Law enforcement officers were called to the Pak-A-Sak convenience store on Sidneys Road in Walterboro on Sept. 7th to a report of shoplifting. According to a Colleton County Sheriff’s Office incident report, the suspect stole a pack of donuts, valued at $1.70. The store’s manager said they would not pursue charges against the suspect, but they do want the man placed on trespass notice.

Students create problem on school bus

Multiple students were involved in a fight on a school bus last week. According to an incident report filed with the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office, deputies were called to Rambler Way near Walterboro on Sept. 7th. When they arrived, deputies saw that the students were still on the bus and the school bus doors were closed. A woman at the scene, who was identified as a student’s grandmother, told deputies that the school bus driver wouldn’t let her get her grandson off of the bus. As the deputy approached the school bus, the driver opened the doors for the deputy and said that two female students were fighting, the report states. The majority of this report is heavily redacted, meaning specific information is removed from the public’s viewing. This is because it involves juvenile information. However, the report states that someone was charged with third-degree assault and battery.

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1025 Bells Hwy., Walterboro, S.C. 29488 843-549-2586